We offer high impact, high quality exam preparation! Since 2008 our exam preparation has been helping client's to achieve the passing score they need.
- 48 HOUR Medical Assistant Exam Preparation! May be taken on campus only or as a hybrid blended course
with students working online in addition to attending classes on Monday's and/or Saturday's from 11a.m.-1p.m. This course is available to those individuals who have prior healthcare training
and/or are licensed and certified in a healthcare field and/or are currently working in the healthcare industry. (The price for this course is $2,500. This
includes study materials and supplies. Exam fees are not included in this price. Upon successful completion of this course and 80% or higher final exam score a certificate of completion
will be issued.)
- 16 HOUR Phlebotomy Exam Preparation with step by step assistance from the best in Lee County. This class is
offered on campus Monday's and/or Saturday's 11a.m.-1p.m. to those individuals who have prior healthcare training and/or are licensed and certified in a healthcare field and/or are currently
working in the healthcare industry. (The price for this course is $1,200. This includes study materials and supplies. Exam fees are not included in this
price. Upon successful completion of this course and a 80% or higher final exam score a certificate of completion will be issued.)
- 8 HOUR CNA Exam Preparation with manikin/human simulation and step by step demonstration and nurse check off based
on Prometric's Clinical Skills checklist the provider for all C.N.A. testing in FL. This 3 day course is scheduled once registration is complete and the tuition amount of
$600 is paid in full. Available on campus only. May be provided in 3 consecutive days or spread out over 3 various days based on availability. Upon successful completion of this course and 80%
or higher final exam score a certificate of completion will be issued. The Florida Board of Nursing allows those individuals with no previous healthcare experience to sit for the exam.
After 3 failed attempts the Board of Nursing requires you to take the 120 hour C.N.A. COURSE. THE 120 HOUR COURSE IS NOT OFFERED HERE.
Included in every course: Anatomy & Physiology, Infection Control, Communication Skills, Professionalism, Legal & Ethical Issues, Patient Safety, Indirect Patient Care, Emergency Response,
Medical Terminology, Administrative and Clinical duties and responsibilities.
The above courses are designed to provide you with the tools you need to assist in helping you pass your exam. Please contact your national exam testing
agency of choice for additional questions on the Medical Assistant and/or Phlebotomy Examination and the FL Board of Nursing for additional questions on the C.N.A. exam requirements.
You may also find answers to frequently asked questions here: https://www.abmuniversity.com/faq-s/